How to Hike to Tone My Butt...

How to Hike to Tone My Butt...
The gluteal group, which includes the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus and gluteus medius, makes up the butt muscles. The gluteus maximus is the largest of the three, the closest to the surface and contributes the most to the shape and tone of your behind. The gluteus maximus, as well as the other gluteal muscles, extend your leg backward and laterally, and stabilize the hip. Exercises, such as hiking, that create these motions strengthen and tone your butt.

Step 1

Climb uphill to work the gluteus maximus. Hill-climbing uses the same motion as squats and lunges, and the added intensity also raises your heart rate. Look for hilly trails or areas with stairs or natural rock formations suitable for climbing.

Step 2
Do walking lunges for the gluteus maximus. Widen your stride to one leg length, bend your front knee and lower your back knee to within an inch of the ground. Push off with your back foot and bring it forward to meet your front foot. Repeat the same motion with your opposite foot. Use walking poles for balance and keep your front knee lined up over your front ankle.

Step 3
Lateral-walk to work the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius muscles. Lengthen your stride to slightly longer than normal. As you step forward, swing your leg out to the side and plant your foot on the ground. Bend your front knee, push off and bring your other foot up to meet your forward foot. Step out to the other side.
Step 4

Carry extra weight. The more weight you carry, the harder your lower-body muscles, including your gluteals, have to work. Carry a backpack with extra water bottles for added weight. Do not add more than 10 pounds to your pack, however, to avoid fatigue and muscle strain.


Puerto Rico Trip

Puerto Rico Trip, coming soon.

Raven Cliff Falls

Raven Cliff Falls, Campout and Hike. (1 night only)
Saturday, December 8, 2012 3:00 PM
Raven Cliff Falls $30 per person, guide fee only. (Kids Free)
for more info:

Hiking Clothes

Hiking can be enjoyable and invigorating in any season if you are well prepared and dress properly. Wearing layers of comfortable clothing is appropriate in nearly all weather conditions, making it easy to adjust to temperature variations and unexpected inclement weather.

Losing the trail.

Losing the trail can easily occur, even with the experienced hiker. Contributing factors include:
· A rocky or sandy area (the trail is hard to see; it takes a sharp turn but you forge straight ahead)
· Following a false trail made by other lost souls
· Mistaking a drainage ditch at a switchback for the real trail
· Snow on the trail
· Detouring around windfalls (downed trees) or around a bad stream crossing
· An inadequate map
· Out after dark with/without a light
· Going off trail to find a photo op
· Deliberately trying for a shortcut (shortcut a switchback, only to have the trail turn the other way).

Inca Trail, Peru
This 33km (20mi) ancient trail was laid by the Incas and is currently traversed by thousands each year. The trail leads from the Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu winding its way up and down and around the mountains, taking thr...
ee high passes en route. Views of white-tipped mountains and high cloud forest combine with the magic of walking from one cliff-hugging ruin to the next – understandably making this South America’s most famous trail.