About last night.

About last night. 

Last night I took a short, full moon, night hike in the woods In 28° weather.  Freezing Temperature...

It was so cold that the water supply froze.  I ended my hike at a nature preserve somewhere in North America, USA. Ga. Atlanta.  

Although I organize and lead groups of people on hikes, day and night. This particular hike I allowed myself to Follow. At the end of our hike we reached our destination. A small shack in the middle of a nature preserve came to be known as our sweat lodge. 

My initial Feelings was that this is not the smartest of ideas, going to sweat and open up my pores in this freezing temperature. 

OH well, NO Fear.

As I go through the initial process of being greeted and welcomed. 

I change clothes and enter the sweat lodge.  

I Entered with an open mind and open heart. I am greeted with heat, then warm smiles. Both are welcomed and appreciated coming from the cold outside. 

The host was very friendly and informative of the rules and benefits of the sweat.  


  • Mental Healing - it frees the mind of distractions, offering clarity.
  • Spiritual Healing - it allows for introspection and connection to the planet and the spirit world.
  • Physical Healing - it can potentially provide antibacterial and wound-healing benefits.
After I settle down inside the sweat lodge. I had the opportunity to look at all the faces, Inclusive of the one naked lady. She was very comfortable with her body, which made me even more comfortable.

As my body starts to heat up from this wood burning fire stove in a small enclosed space. What came to mind first was that, I wanted to take off the remaining clothes that I had on which were a pair of shorts.  

I did not and decided to drink some cold water instead. After about 30 minutes inside. The host, as if he had access to a temperature gauge of my internal body workings. Interrupts the silence and Announces that “this is not a race, stay as long as you can take it. However, make sure that you take a break.” 

 Yup! He was talking to me.  LOL. 

It’s hot, very hot. As I gather my belongings to head out, I am reminded to duck my head because of the low overhanging roof. Once outside, I was pleased to see that they had fresh water to drink, a shower and a fire pit to stay warm as your body cools down from the cold. At the fire pit I had a few lovely conversations with some beautiful people sporting exotic swimwear.  After about 20 minutes, I rushed back into the sweat lodge, it’s now too cold to be half naked outside. 

Can you say, Heat Please...

Once back in, the seating arrangements has changed and I now have new neighbors to my left and right.  This time I was able to stay in the lodge a lot longer than the first time.  Don’t get me wrong it is still very hot, The host keeps a fresh batch of wood inside the stove to keep the flames going. 

As I sit, I can literally feel the toxins leaving my body through sweat and heat.  I start to reminisce of my pass and reflect on my future. 

It’s funny the clarity that you receive when you sit in silence and ground, truly Rejuvenating. 

I’m very thankful for this experience and I appreciate the invitation to explore something new. It was more than worth it. The next day I woke up refreshed and had one of the best restful sleeps in 3 months.  I look forward to the next Silent Sweat by Ashia of (Here2Inspire). Space is limited to 12 people for a intimate experience, which I personally like, appreciate and desire.  

-Reginald Mitchell 



WE are thinking about added this event to our group. Leave a commit below if you think it's a good idea.    Thank's...

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