Hike Inn. - Ga. -

#WeLoveExploring was designed to find like minded individuals that love to Explore, nature and life overall. We want to find other explorers that desire to travel the world and Explore. From hiking, biking, camping, Paddling, Climbing, Snow sports or just a stroll in a new city or country and much more.
Hike Inn
Hello All, hope all is well. Make sure you bring snacks, water, water, water and raingear / Poncho. In your backpack, the things that you want to keep dry put them in a plastic bag. Dress in layers. This is a rain or shine hike.
Smoky Mountains National Park, Backcountry Cooking
Precook and dry your pasta. This will save you tons of cooking time in camp, as well as considerable fuel and weight. Simply cook your pasta al dente at home, then spread it on dehydrator trays and let it go for a couple of hours until brittle. In camp, all you have to do is add boiling water to the noodles, then cover and let sit for a few minutes.
A.} I think you should give it a whirl, Eldad! You only have 10 bucks to lose, after all! But make no mistake: your friends with real sleeping pads will be much better off. A pool float is inferior for several reasons:
-They are far less durable than “real” sleeping pads.
-They take forever to blow up.
-They are loud and squeaky and bouncy when you roll around on them.
-The have no insulation and you will feel the cold ground below you on chilly nights.
-They’re bulky.
-And most importantly, they just aren’t as comfortable or supportive for your back.
If you’re a tough guy, and don’t need much padding, you’d be far better off with a non-inflatable, closed-cell foam like the Therm-a-Rest Z Lite Sol.
If you want a bit of cush, you can still get a pad that will be far better than a pool float without a huge investment. Check out the Therm-a-Rest Trail Scout, which is a bombproof, 1.25-inch-thicg self-inflating pad that starts at just 40 bucks.
The Jesus Trail
Hiking The Jesus Trail
"Leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum by the Sea." - Matthew 4:13
Every hike is a pilgrimage, but this new path from Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee is holier than most. Literally following in His footsteps, the 40-mile route immerses hikers in biblical history.
by: Dennis Lewon; Photos by Jason Florio
It’s not one of the most powerful statements in the New Testament. No miracle required. No subversive questioning of spiritual authority. Just a man of about 30, a native of the Galilee region, leaving the small hilltown where he was raised and moving to the city—a bustling shoreline fishing village of about 1,500. But it turns out to be transformative. Jesus had been rejected by the citizens of Nazareth. It’s in Capernaum that his disciples gather, his followers grow, and his message spreads. It’s almost like his life really started with that 40-mile walk from Nazareth to the Sea of Galilee.
The gospels are silent on when, precisely, he made the journey. But I like to think he did it in early March. That’s when I embark on the same route, and it’s an auspicious time to walk through the rolling Mediterranean landscape. The conditions couldn’t be better—crown anemones blazing red under olive trees, bright sunshine making everything look fresh and new, temps in the 70s. I’m hiking the Jesus Trail, a new 40-mile path that connects the most significant biblical and historical spots between Nazareth and Capernaum, and I find myself thinking about that short passage. Was it just another trek to him, one of the countless Jesus made while preaching town-to-town in Judea? Or did he pause on the ridge above Nazareth, and look down on the hills and valleys of his youth before striding east?
In the initial few miles, his route would have taken him past the village of Cana, believed to be the place where he performed his first miracle: turning water into wine at a wedding feast. As I approach Cana myself, I walk through a meadow on the outskirts of town. Sheep graze on the spring grass, and it’s easy to imagine Jesus walking through this same field as he left Nazareth behind.
Of course, I’m not the first to come to the Holy Land and wonder if I’m stepping where Jesus did. It comes with the territory, so to speak. I take a break to snap some photos, drink a little water, and duck behind a screen of bushes to go to the bathroom—a routine moment on any hike. But then I realize that nothing’s routine on this trail. Could I have just shared a pit stop with Jesus?
Of course, I’m not the first to come to the Holy Land and wonder if I’m stepping where Jesus did. It comes with the territory, so to speak. I take a break to snap some photos, drink a little water, and duck behind a screen of bushes to go to the bathroom—a routine moment on any hike. But then I realize that nothing’s routine on this trail. Could I have just shared a pit stop with Jesus?
The thought surprises me, and no doubt it will offend some (sorry!). But what’s wrong with imagining Jesus sweating up the hills of the Galilee, getting blisters, stopping at a view? Could it actually give you new insights into his life and message? Whatever you believe about Jesus of Nazareth—man or Messiah—he’s arguably the most important figure in Western history, and literally walking in his footsteps is irresistible if, like me, you find something profound about every trek. I want to know what a hiker—regardless of faith—can learn from the journey.
Great Smoky Mountains, Hike and Camp
Nov 16, 2013
Nov 16, 2013
Great Smoky Mountains, Gabes Mountain Trail Pass Hen Wallow Falls to the campsite.
The trip to Hen Wallow Falls is a pleasant walk through hemlock and rhododendron forest. A signed side trail leads to the base of the falls by way of steep switchbacks. Hen Wallow Creek, only two feet wide at the top of the falls, fans out to 20 feet at the base. The waterfall is 90 feet high. If you look carefully in the water at the base of the falls, you can often find salamanders.
During very cold winter weather, the waterfall can freeze into a beautiful icy column.
The hike to the falls is 4.4 miles roundtrip and considered moderate in difficulty. Hikers continuing on the Gabes Mountain Trail beyond the falls can enjoy an impressive old-growth forest.
Access Trail: Gabes Mountain
Hike to the Hike INN Dec 4, 2013
We are excited that we have been offered the opportunity to bring a group to the Hike Inn on Dec 4, 2013 – and we want YOU to come!
The Inn has room for up to 40 people, so it’s first come, first served. It will be a great time for friends to spend time together and have fun.
$70/person for double occupancy, $125/person for single occupancy (Normally $125/$173!). To reserve your spot you can make a donation of $70 or $125 at
About the Hike Inn:
Located near Dawsonville and Dahlonega, the Len Foote Hike Inn at Amicalola Falls State Park is a back country inn with 2-person private rooms with comfy bunk beds; hot showers, sinks, and compost toilets in the bath house; and prepared meals served in their dining room. The Inn is accessible only by foot over a moderate 5 mile hiking trail which originates at the top of the Amicalola Falls. The hike takes from 2 to 4 hours, and the beautiful trail is entirely within the Chattahoochee National Forest and Amicalola Falls State Park. Guests only need to bring personal items, including clothing, toiletries, and food and water for the trail. Bed linens and towels are provided and a family style dinner and breakfast are served. Educational and entertaining programs are conducted in the Sunrise Room after dinner. There are great porches with rocking chairs, and indoor and outdoor gathering spaces, along with books and games. The Sunrise Room (as you would expect from the name!) is an excellent place to enjoy a cup of coffee and the sunrise in the morning. The buildings are awesome, beautiful, green, and LEED Certified Gold! You can learn more about it at their website:http://hike-inn.com.
Hope you can join us!
See you soon on the trail and remember, Nature is cheaper than therapy
Eric Graves / Executive Director / Len Foote Hike Inn
Reginald Mitchell / We Love 2 Hike
Of all the paths you take in Life,
make sure a few of them are dirt.
make sure a few of them are dirt.
Team - We have an opportunity to share with our local networks why national park closures are relevant to all of us, and how parks ARE essential. Here is one of several articles circulating today that help make the case - please share, call your folks to action (including your congress(wo)men) , and promote dialog wherever you can: http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/blogs/how-the-government-shutdown-affects-our-national-parks
Thanks for visiting my online shop! Find what you're looking for yourself or great gifts for your friends. You'll find unique merchandise with my art on t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, stickers, and more.
Thanks for visiting my online shop! Find what you're looking for yourself or great gifts for your friends. You'll find unique merchandise with my art on t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, stickers, and more.
Private Hike
Book your private Hike today! welove2hike@gmail.com
A shared We Love 2 Hike Adventures (WL2H) trip might just be one of the world's best group-bonding experiences. If you've got a crew of 5 or more or employees who deserve a special reward or a gang of gung-ho family members who are just itching to see the world—consider a private hike with We Love 2 Hike (WL2H).
What is a private Hike, exactly?
A private Hike is an WL2H Adventures trip that's just for you and your group. You can set up a private Hike to see the world.
Guided Hike & Wine Tasting in North Georgia $35
Sunday, August 25, 2013http://www.meetup.com/www-welove2hike-com/
Sunday, August 25, 2013http://www.meetup.com/www-welove2hike-com/
Singles , ONLY! $15 Sat Aug 17 10am Red Top Mt.
Join us for a fun and carefree hike for singles.
The beautiful surroundings at Lake Allatoona will set the tone for an awesome day. Come out and join us for the very first “Singles Hike...”. It’s an opportunity for single people in the greater Georgia area that love to hike to meet one another and possibly make a connection. We are very excited about the hike and we hope you can join us and make a connection.
Meet Someone Naturally!
If you can use a little more socializing/connecting with others with the added benefit of getting some physical fitness into the mix, this is the hike for you! It will be a fun and carefree hike for singles. We will meet at the Red Top Mountain visitor center at 10 am. The five miles hike will take us through the forest, across fields and along the shores of the Allatoona Lake. Don’t miss out!! Just show up, the rest is easy!
Join us for a fun and carefree hike for singles.
The beautiful surroundings at Lake Allatoona will set the tone for an awesome day. Come out and join us for the very first “Singles Hike...”. It’s an opportunity for single people in the greater Georgia area that love to hike to meet one another and possibly make a connection. We are very excited about the hike and we hope you can join us and make a connection.
Meet Someone Naturally!
If you can use a little more socializing/connecting with others with the added benefit of getting some physical fitness into the mix, this is the hike for you! It will be a fun and carefree hike for singles. We will meet at the Red Top Mountain visitor center at 10 am. The five miles hike will take us through the forest, across fields and along the shores of the Allatoona Lake. Don’t miss out!! Just show up, the rest is easy!
Private Hike
Book your private Hike today! welove2hike@gmail.com
A shared We Love 2 Hike Adventures (WL2H) trip might just be one of the world's best group-bonding experiences. If you've got a crew of 5 or more or employees who deserve a special reward or a gang of gung-ho family members who are just itching to see the world—consider a private hike with We Love 2 Hike (WL2H).
What is a private Hike, exactly?
A private Hike is an WL2H Adventures trip that's just for you and your group. You can set up a private Hike to see the world.Hike and Wine
Hiking and Wine Tasting – A Perfect Sunday!
(Next Hike & Wine)- July 28th 2013 @ 9am
(Next Hike & Wine)- July 28th 2013 @ 9am
By: Nellie Umutesi-Vigneron
My day started early with an hour and a half drive to Raven
Cliff Falls. For the day, I packed lunch
and two bottles of water. At the meeting
point, we took some time to introduce ourselves to one another. Everyone was very welcoming and excited about
the day’s adventure. It was very
exciting to meet different people from various geographical backgrounds: some people were from California, Africa, New York one lady I
met was from Kentucky and a few were born and raised right here in
Georgia. I also liked the fact there was
a wide range of hiking levels, I would not be the only intermediate hiker! We started our 5.1 miles hike at around 10:30
in the morning.
The weather was perfect and the tall trees provided the
perfect shade for this three hour round trip hike.
We had several stops along the way to admire the various falls and a
longer stop at the main fall, where we had lunch.
Some after lunch dipped in the water, took pictures and just enjoyed the scenery.
At the end of our hike, we got in our cars and took a short
drive to Sautee Nacoochee Vineyards, nestled in the beautiful and historic
Nacoochee Valley of North Georgia. I
absolutely fell in love with the place, from its well-manicured lawn with sitting
chairs for someone to relax under. To its friendly staff that took the time to
explain to us a little about the history of the vineyard and the textures and
taste of the different wines they produced on location. We were treated to three wine tastings and a
glass of wine of our choosing!
Once done with our wine tasting and selection, we all
gathered on the wrap around porch, we
enjoyed the wine, cheese trays and great company!
This was the perfect budget –friendly day for the casual
hiker and the casual wine aficionado, such as myself!
We Love 2 Hike
Don’t surprise a snake.
Don’t surprise a snake.
Stay alert, especially on overgrown trails where vipers may wait for passing prey, and when cool temps lure snakes into open areas to bask. Step on top of logs and rocks instead of over; a rattler might strike defensively if it’s hiding underneath and you surprise it.
Never Forget: It’s not out to get you.
If a snake is in motion, get out of its way. If it’s coiled, give it a wide berth (at least 10 feet) and go around it. Snakes can only extend up to 40 percent of their body length during a strike, but you can’t jump out of the way; from start to finish, the motion takes less than half a second.
Snakebite First Aid
1. Remove jewelry or clothing that may restrict circulation near the bite because of swelling. Struck in the foot or leg? Don’t remove your shoe. You may not be able to put it back on to hike out.
2. Wash the wound. That’s all. Don’t do anything else to the bite site.
3. Keep the wound at heart level. (For lower limbs, it’s OK to walk.)
4. Evacuate. Get to a hospital ASAP. Pain and swelling may be severe, and within six hours the flesh around the wound may start to die.
Backpacking is awesome. There might be no finer way to truly experience the great outdoors: exploring remote areas, observing wildlife, and the unmatched solitude of a far away campsite are just some of the rewards awaiting you in the backcountry. There is also something to be said for the feeling of self reliance that comes with carrying everything you need in your pack. However, this all comes at a price. Careful planning, an array of gear and a network of reliable fellow hikers are some of the things needed to undertake a successful trip. This can be intimidating for beginners, but fear not, We Love 2 Hike is here.
By Ryan Malavolta
By Ryan Malavolta
Hiking Around the World
By: Eve Pearce
Hiking is unique in the opportunities for travel it opens up. What other type of exercise gives you reason to travel across continents in order to set yourself new challenges? North and South America are certainly home to some challenging hikes set against awe-inspiring backdrops, but if you’re itching to explore unknown territory, make 2013 the year you flex your hiking muscles elsewhere. From battling through below-0 temperatures whilst hiking through Sweden’s western wilderness, to slogging through the raw and unrelenting heat of the Himalayas, hiking around the world will certainly prove a challenge. Good job that’s exactly what hikers are looking for then.
More Info: http://welove2hike.blogspot.com/p/hiking-around-world-in-2013-hiking-is.html
Hiking is unique in the opportunities for travel it opens up. What other type of exercise gives you reason to travel across continents in order to set yourself new challenges? North and South America are certainly home to some challenging hikes set against awe-inspiring backdrops, but if you’re itching to explore unknown territory, make 2013 the year you flex your hiking muscles elsewhere. From battling through below-0 temperatures whilst hiking through Sweden’s western wilderness, to slogging through the raw and unrelenting heat of the Himalayas, hiking around the world will certainly prove a challenge. Good job that’s exactly what hikers are looking for then.
More Info: http://welove2hike.blogspot.com/p/hiking-around-world-in-2013-hiking-is.html
Hiking: A Beginners Introduction to Weight Training
The health benefits of hiking, as described by We Love 2 Hike, are far-ranging. Hiking can decrease blood pressure, aid weight loss, calm and de-stress the mind, and even slow down the aging process. There’s no doubt about it; hiking is a fantastic way to keep fit and healthy. One of the lesser known, or less considered, benefits of hiking, is muscle toning. Of course all types of exercise tone the muscles to a certain degree, but if you would like to go further than simple toning, and actually build up your body muscle, then look no further than hiking for your introduction.
More at:
We Love 2 Hike will be in the San Francisco Bay Area near Napa Valley the weekend of April 27th and from there we will travel to Las Vegas the weekend of May 4th. During our stay, of course we will hike and would Love to have you hike with us. We need to know how many of you are interested in joining us. Please provide your feedback as soon as you can so that we can create the schedule and put the hikes on the books.
Thanks and as always hope to see you hiking soon!
Thanks and as always hope to see you hiking soon!
Hello all hikers, hope all is well. Thank you and welcome to www.welove2hike.com where lovers of the outdoors can meet, play and of course HIKE!
Guided Hike & Wine Tasting in North Georgia
On Sell Now, For $35 per person (reg. $75)
On Sell Now, For $35 per person (reg. $75)
Hikes for Couples
We Love 2 Hike offers a variety of hiking options for groups and couples such as hiking, backpacking, and camping. The events can be catered to meet your needs.
We Love 2 Hike is happy to structure hiking activities that accommodate the novice hiker in conjunction with the more experienced hiker. We offer 1 to 3-hour hikes to a full day of hiking that can include lunch, or a multi-day backpacking trip. Our over night camping trips give groups and couples a wonderful opportunity to interact under the magnificent skies with roaring campfires to set the mood. The sounds of a cascading creek blanket the group while they sleep nestled in the vibrancy of the forest. We also enjoy including wine tasting with the above options. Sipping local wines chilled in a creek bed is simply exhilarating.
I am very excited about speaking with you to schedule an exclusive Hike.
Reginald Mitchell
We Love 2 Hike is happy to structure hiking activities that accommodate the novice hiker in conjunction with the more experienced hiker. We offer 1 to 3-hour hikes to a full day of hiking that can include lunch, or a multi-day backpacking trip. Our over night camping trips give groups and couples a wonderful opportunity to interact under the magnificent skies with roaring campfires to set the mood. The sounds of a cascading creek blanket the group while they sleep nestled in the vibrancy of the forest. We also enjoy including wine tasting with the above options. Sipping local wines chilled in a creek bed is simply exhilarating.
I am very excited about speaking with you to schedule an exclusive Hike.
Reginald Mitchell
Private Hike
Private Hike
A shared We Love 2 Hike Adventures (WL2H) trip might just be one of the world's best group-bonding experiences. If you've got a crew of 5 or more or employees who deserve a special reward or a gang of gung-ho family members who are just itching to see the world—consider a private hike with We Love 2 Hike (WL2H).
A shared We Love 2 Hike Adventures (WL2H) trip might just be one of the world's best group-bonding experiences. If you've got a crew of 5 or more or employees who deserve a special reward or a gang of gung-ho family members who are just itching to see the world—consider a private hike with We Love 2 Hike (WL2H).
Hiking & Poetry -- Artists In Motion (AIM) Free!
Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 3:00 PM
1221 Boat Rock Rd SW Atlanta, Georgia
Step out of your comfort zone and enjoy an afternoon of nature, poetry and networking outdoors. Come listen to some... local performers and enjoy the artistic atmosphere that only Mother Nature can create. We welcome poets, singers, photographers, Entrepreneur's, those that play instruments (such as guitars, African drums) as well as those looking to network. We will also provide a walking trail suitable for creativity and exploring. Come Walk With Us at
Boat Rock Nature Preserve!
Proceeds benefit: www.seclimbers.org
Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 3:00 PM
1221 Boat Rock Rd SW Atlanta, Georgia
Step out of your comfort zone and enjoy an afternoon of nature, poetry and networking outdoors. Come listen to some... local performers and enjoy the artistic atmosphere that only Mother Nature can create. We welcome poets, singers, photographers, Entrepreneur's, those that play instruments (such as guitars, African drums) as well as those looking to network. We will also provide a walking trail suitable for creativity and exploring. Come Walk With Us at
Boat Rock Nature Preserve!
Proceeds benefit: www.seclimbers.org
Private Hike
A shared We Love 2 Hike Adventures (WL2H) trip might just be one of the world's best group-bonding experiences. If you've got a crew of 5 or more or employees who deserve a special reward or a gang of gung-ho family members who are just itching to see the world—consider a private hike with We Love 2 Hike (WL2H).
Lightning. The odds of being struck by lightning are low, but an open ridge is no place to be during a thunderstorm. If a storm is coming, immediately leave exposed areas. Boulders, rocky overhangs, and shallow caves offer no protection from lightning, which may actually flow through them along the ground after a strike. Tents and convertible automobiles are no good, either. ...Sheltering in hard-roofed automobiles or large buildings is best, although they are rarely available to the hiker. Avoid tall structures, such as ski lifts, flagpoles, powerline towers, and the tallest trees, solitary rocks, or open hilltops. If you cannot enter a building or car, take shelter in a stand of smaller trees or in the forest. Avoid clearings. If caught in the open, crouch down on your pack or pad, or roll into a ball. If you are in water, get out. Disperse groups, so that not everyone is struck by a single bolt. Do not hold a potential lightning rod, such as a fishing pole or metal hiking pole.
Lightning. The odds of being struck by lightning are low, but an open ridge is no place to be during a thunderstorm. If a storm is coming, immediately leave exposed areas. Boulders, rocky overhangs, and shallow caves offer no protection from lightning, which may actually flow through them along the ground after a strike. Tents and convertible automobiles are no good, either. ...Sheltering in hard-roofed automobiles or large buildings is best, although they are rarely available to the hiker. Avoid tall structures, such as ski lifts, flagpoles, powerline towers, and the tallest trees, solitary rocks, or open hilltops. If you cannot enter a building or car, take shelter in a stand of smaller trees or in the forest. Avoid clearings. If caught in the open, crouch down on your pack or pad, or roll into a ball. If you are in water, get out. Disperse groups, so that not everyone is struck by a single bolt. Do not hold a potential lightning rod, such as a fishing pole or metal hiking pole.
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